Unisono. Walking the future in unison.

Giving and taking, living and loving, being one at heart, yet remaining true to ourselves - this is true happiness, reified in Unisono: two rings and two materials combined to form a single entity, symbolizing two partners living in perfect harmony.
Alloy: Pt950
Item no.: P4596.60000
Price: 3565 € incl. VAT
Alloy: 18K
Item no.: G4596.60000
Price: 3885 € incl. VAT
Alloy: 18K
Item no.: R4596.60000
Price: 3885 € incl. VAT
Alloy: Pt950
Stone: 44 brilliants F-vs 0,150 ct.
Item no.: P4596.11000
Price: 5265 € incl. VAT
Alloy: 18K
Stone: 44 brilliants F-vs 0,150 ct.
Item no.: G4596.11000
Price: 5580 € incl. VAT
Alloy: 18K
Stone: 44 brilliants F-vs 0,150 ct.
Item no.: R4596.11000
Price: 5580 € incl. VAT

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    17 brilliants F-vs 0,085 ct.
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    9 brilliants F-vs 0,075 ct.
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    51 brilliants F-vs 0,280 ct.
  • info icon
    44 brilliants F-vs 0,150 ct.